Crafted Perfection in Every Flight

Each flight board features the brewery's logo skillfully carved on both ends, significantly enhancing brand visibility while adding an appealing touch of craftsmanship that speaks to the quality of the brewery's offerings. Additionally, numbers were intricately carved into each corresponding hole, making it easier for patrons to identify their selected beers at a glance.

For the convenience of the serving staff, practical pockets were ingeniously incorporated into the underside of each end of the board. This thoughtful design not only allows servers to effortlessly lift the flight boards from the table but also ensures that they can carry multiple boards with ease, resulting in a smoother and more efficient service experience overall.

The introduction of these innovative flight boards was met with enthusiastic approval from both the staff and customers alike, who expressed excitement and eagerness at the prospect of using them during their visits. Owing to their success and the overwhelmingly positive reception they garnered, Chapman's Brewing Company has decided to extend these custom flight boards to their other locations, continually enhancing the overall beer-tasting experience for their valued patrons. With each flight board, the brewery aims to create a memorable and enjoyable atmosphere that complements their exceptional craft beers.

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